The EI graduations are short, sweet, and to the point, so there wasn't much time to get photos. Today there were three kids graduating from his group, so I had to act fast. His teachers and I were a little worried he wouldn't keep his cap on, but when he crossed the bridge he kept it on and even held up his certificate. I seriously was teary-eyed. I know, I've turned into a sap, but like I said - I'm a little sad about this day.
After graduation I took Connor to Friendly's for lunch. He's worked hard in group and deserved a celebration. It was such a great lunch. He was well behaved and he ate well! I even asked him what kind of ice cream he wanted and he said "orange", so it was Sherbet all around (I was happy because it's better for us than regular ice cream!).
In other news, this morning was our appointment with the orthopedic surgeon regarding Connor's funky ankle growth. We were all smiles when they said there is just a slight abnormality, but nothing at all to be concerned about. She said because he has Cleidocranial Dysplasia, she'd like to keep seeing him once a year just as a follow-up, but that he shouldn't have any restrictions on sports or any other activities (can you hear Daddy's big sigh of relief?). We are very fortunate that his CCD diagnosis has pretty much been just that - a diagnosis; and that so far (knock on wood), there are no other problems associated with it. He's a happy, healthy, VERY active little guy, and I am so thankful for that. We can't wait to celebrate 3 years with this amazing kid. Stay tuned!