But I worry that his teachers don't get to see this side of him. He, the same kid who will chat it up with any adult, gets shy and reserved around large groups of kids. He always has. He tends to shy away from activities he's good at when he feels uncomfortable. He can be stubborn. Really stubborn. As in total shutdown refusal to listen stubborn. One day that may be beneficial for him, but right now it can hinder his education and learning. His independence is a gift, but it's also making it difficult for him to follow directions. As an only child for over 4 years, he had mastered the art of independent play and learning. Now, all of a sudden, he's thrown into a room with 20 other kids and expected to follow new rules. I have no doubt he'll get there, but it's a challenge now, and something we work on every day.
So I worry. I worry that with all the work on helping Connor through his challenges, that his teachers won't ever get to see the amazing little boy that I love. That, when they're not looking, could make them pee their pants laughing when he dances. That some of the things he says should be quoted for years to come. I worry that they won't see the kid that I see....and just how wonderful he is.