Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Connor was evaluated for preschool a few weeks ago by the speech therapist at the Jones School in Stoughton.  Not surprising, he qualified for speech services.  Today we had his initial Team meeting where we talked about the speech services he would get - twice a week for thirty minutes each.  Not a ton of time, but better than nothing.  The problem is transportation from his daycare to the Stoughton school.  I'm not sure it's going to work out since I certainly can't get out of work twice (or even once) a week to drive him to speech and back.  Just to get him there is 30-45 minutes (between leaving work, picking him up and driving him there).  Not to mention I'd have to wait for the session to be over (it doesn't make a lick of sense to leave and return), so now we're talking another hour between waiting and driving back.  To leave work for almost two hours once or twice a week is not an option.  The speech therapist is still going to write up an IEP and mail it to me, but I'm not sure it's going to be the right choice for us.  As much as I'd like Connor in a preschool speech program (in addition to his twice weekly visits to Braintree Rehab), logistically I don't see it happening.  Plus, I already asked Brockton if he could go to speech at the Gilmore Early Childhood Center, but they are jam packed with Brockton kids needing services and can't accept Connor.  So... if anyone knows of any options, just let me know!  Thanks for checking in. 

1 comment:

Mairead Elizabeth Hickok said...

Ugh, frustrating! You are right, though, there is NO way you could pull that off. At least he can continue to go to Braintre and still make progress that way. All of this stuff is so frustrating, isn't it???