Sunday, August 14, 2011

Stoughton Town Beach

While waiting to pay for my salad one day, I was reading the local paper. They had a picture that was taken at the "Stoughton Town Beach". WHAT? Stoughton has a beach? I knew there was a pond around, but I'd only ever seen lily-pad infested areas and didn't even realize there was a beach area to the Ames Long Pond. A few clicks of the mouse and I found the location!  Score! I thought it'd be a great little afternoon activity for Connor. It's PERFECT for small kids. It's a very small beach area, fenced in from the road, complete with bathrooms just feet away. There's a dock in the water, and kids can walk to it since it's so shallow. The other side of the dock is the "deep end" where bigger kids can swim and jump, but we stayed on the shallow side. There's also lifeguards on duty, who are active in making sure the kids walk on the dock and follow the rules. Even Connor had to be spoken to when he was "stomping" on the dock instead of walking. My little rebel! I did have to keep reminding Connor to stay on the inside of the docks, and after doing so the lifeguard said "thanks for your help, Mom" Anytime, Lifeguard. Just making sure my kid doesn't end up in the middle of the pond!

Anyway, the water was nice and warm, and after convincing Connor all was well, he was a fish! He didn't want to come out of the water. Only his hunger brought him to the shore! I definitely recommend it for an inexpensive afternoon out (there is a cost, but it's minimal).

Connor's "Raisin Hands" after being in the water for so long!

1 comment:

The Plateniks said...

I used to go there all the time in college and brought our dog there in the fall to swim. I love it there!