The trend seemed to continue through the night, as he did the same thing with his pajamas. Although this time, the underpants were on the outside of his PJs. He ran around for hours like this. I kept calling him "Captain Underpants".
We rounded out the weekend by attending the Brockton Holiday parade. This was the first time we've been, and it was VERY long - an hour and a half! We went with several friends, which made it more fun, and the fact that it was 65 degrees out didn't hurt matters. Connor had a bit of a love/hate relationship with the parade. The sirens and loud cars really bothered him. We've noticed lately that loud sounds irritate him, and when the drivers of the vintage cars revved their engines, he had a bit of a meltdown. I don't blame him - they WERE loud, and right next to us. It seemed all of the loud noises happened right in front of us.
Connor did like the horses, especially the one that had to relieve himself in the middle of the street. It seemed to be a hit with ALL of the kids. I recommend every parade have a horse that pees -it was a HIT! He did like the marching bands, too, as long as they weren't too loud. Overall he was pretty good considering he had some traumatic moments. A little popcorn seemed to help things, though!
We hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. We can't believe Christmas is in less than a month!