Thursday, November 3, 2011

Happy Halloween!

What a busy Halloween for our little man!  Connor celebrated at daycare, then again at speech therapy, and then, of course, trick-or-treating.  This was the first year Connor showed interest in Halloween, so I'm glad he got to celebrate it 3 times! He was very excited for the big day, and talked about it for weeks before.  When asked what he wanted to be, his response was always "a pumpkin!".  I think Dad was hoping for something a little more original, but who can argue with an adorable 4-year-old?  Because of that same reason, Mom also knew that Connor could change his mind at any minute, and didn't really feel like spending loads of cash on a pumpkin costume if he ended up not wearing it.  So she had Grammy send down the very old pumpkin costume that she used to wear when she was Connor's age!  It was a little worn, but a few stitches and a hand wash later and it was good as new.  We stuffed the costume with batting, and went out into the streets for some candy!

It was fun to watch Connor get so excited this year.  He'd see pumpkins on everyone's doorsteps and yell "OH, LOOK - A JACK-O-LANTERN!" and RUN toward the house.  He had practiced Trick-or-Treating etiquette at speech, so he knew what to do, and did a great job.  He did forget one time, and after knocking on the door, he yelled out "CANDY!" to the woman inside.  Luckily, she thought he was adorable, and it definitely made for the best moment of the night.  

As with any little one, he made it about a half hour before he showed signs of wear.  His once loud "trick-or-treat" turned into a whisper, and he kept asking to be carried.  So it was back home for us (yet another reason not to spend tons of money on a costume when it was only worn for 30 minutes!).  Connor had a fabulous time, and has been on a sugar high ever since.  Mommy and Daddy *might* be sneaking some candy, too, but that's ONLY so Connor doesn't eat it all.  That's our excuse and we're sticking to it!

We hope everyone else had a very Happy Halloween!

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