Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Connor lends a helping hand

Since Connor's daycare is on vacation this week, our friend Jess has generously offered to babysit! Her little girl, Layla, is 5 months younger than Connor. Jess sent me this picture of the two of them playing together. Connor looks like he's showing her how to use a toy! How cute! Jess said they were rolling around and playing together. The other are pictures from the rest of the week. Darn babies... always doing something adorable!
"Here, let me show you."
Checking Layla's diaper!
"Let's put our heads together and see what we
can come up with."
"Hey, pretty lady..."


Mairead Elizabeth Hickok said...

That is an adorable picture-- I hope Mairead doesn't get jealous of a younger woman!

JY said...

These pictures are too adorable :).