Sunday, February 8, 2009

Winter is a Wonderland

Or rather, 50 degree weather is a wonderland. Today Mimi & Papa came down for a visit. Both Connor and Daddy got a haircut, and then we went outside to play in the snow and enjoy the warmer weather. Connor didn't quite know what to make of all of the snow. He finally gets the hang of walking on wood floors, and now this! With the help of Mimi, though, he was able to walk around the little path we made. He also got to ride in his sled, and enjoyed that quite a bit. It was a nice afternoon, and it was good to get outside and enjoy some fresh air.

Bailey had to get in on some of the fun!

Don't forget about the haircut.

1 comment:

Mairead Elizabeth Hickok said...

I love that hat- so cute! Glad you guys were about to get out and enjoy the nice weather! Some day I will be allowed to play outside, too.