Monday, April 20, 2009

Sunday at Grammy and Grampy's - from Connor's point of View

Since Grammy and Mommy have the same week in April off, we decided to take a trip to Vermont to spend some quality time with my family. It's hard to get time with everyone when you're rushed during a long weekend visit. With five days, there's plenty of time to play!

As usual, Grampy has taken LOTS of pictures, and Mommy steals them for the blog (uh oh - I hope she doesn't get mad that I wrote that!). Mommy, Grammy, Grampy, and Aunt Becky took a small road trip to Colchester and Williston on Saturday so that Mommy and Grampy could look for Mommy's new camera. Then we got to eat lunch at the Longhorn Steakhouse where Uncle Andrew works. He brought me chicken fingers and a SUPER yummy sweet potato. I actually didn't eat any of my chicken fingers because I loved the sweet potato SO much. Everyone said I was very good. Why wouldn't I be??

After lunch we hopped in the stroller and went to Dick's and Best Buy. I liked looking at the TVs with Grammy and Becky while Mommy and Grampy talked cameras. It was fun! Then we drove home. I don't really remember the rest of the afternoon - people claim I fell asleep, but I don't believe a word of it.

Before dinner we walked over to the Elementary school so I could go on the swing and the slides. They are a LOT of fun. I especially liked the slides - there were three of them! Mommy has to go down the slide with me, or else I fall. But that's ok. I secretly think she likes it, too.

Mommy had to help me swing - there were no baby swings for me.

Here we go!

I love this part!

Mommy let me go a little bit by myself.


Hmmm... what's this?

What? Time to leave? Whatchu talkin' 'bout, Grampy?

This big orange thing was FUN!

If you put your eyes to it, you can see stuff inside!

1 comment:

Mairead Elizabeth Hickok said...

Those are some great pictures! He looks just like Mommy in the picture on the swing. Hope you are having a great time- looks like you are!