Sunday, June 28, 2009

Date with Layla and Twins

Today, Connor had a playdate with Layla and her brothers, Quincy and Brady. Although Quincy and Brady pretty much ate and slept, Connor and Layla kept things rolling. They ate lunch and then had some fun coloring together. There were times, however, when the babies would make themselves known (pretty much with grunts and snorts - too adorable). We hope the summer brings more playdates - the kids are too cute together!

The best pic! I believe this is Brady giving Mom a nice smile.

Layla creating her masterpiece.

And I believe this is Quincy. If I'm wrong - well, Jess will tell me.

Coloring together.

1 comment:

Mairead Elizabeth Hickok said...

I need to bring MY toddler and twins over for a playdate- looks like you guys had fun! Jess's boys are getting so big! Seriously- we need to hang out soon. And, I need to eat Philly rolls like, twice a week before we move.