Monday, January 24, 2011

Cabin Fever

With all of the snow we've been getting lately, it's no wonder that everyone has come down with a case of cabin fever.  To combat this, Daddy took Connor up to see Mimi and Papa on Saturday while Mommy got a haircut.  Joey didn't tell anyone he was visiting, so they were quite surprised when Connor walked through the door!  Connor loves to visit "Mimi, Papa, Paige and Auntie" (as he says), and he had a great time.  He and Paige got to play with Joey's iPad for a bit, as Connor's new obsession is the app "There's a Monster at the End of this Book".  Some of you may know the book, but the app is an interactive story and not just something that's read to them.  It's pretty cool, and Connor loves it.  He also got to try some onion rings and have lots of cheese puffs, to his delight.  When he went to bed that night, Joey tucked him in and he says "Had fun at Mimi and Papa's!"

On Sunday, Connor was being just too whiny for Mom's liking, so off we went to the Children's Museum in Easton.  This seemed to cure the whines, and Connor spent a couple hours playing with the trains, coloring, and playing postman.  His most favorite, not surprisingly, were the trains.  As he was playing with a few of them, the table began to get a little crowded, and there was some required train sharing.  Connor was alright about sharing two of his four trains, but when it came to sharing one of his two engines, the meldown began.  He was not impressed at having to share an ENGINE (even though the other kid was giving him a different train to compensate), and he let out the mother of all screams.  You know the kind - where EVERY head turns to stare at the kid and his mom.  Yeah, that was us.  I brought him into the coat room and explained if he screamed again we were leaving.  Well, he screamed "NOOOOOO!", so off we went.  It's always fun leaving a place with a screaming toddler in tow.  He screamed for the next 5 minutes in the car until he finally settled (or exhausted himself, who knows).   It's very unusual for Connor to completely meltdown in public, so hopefully it was just a fluke thing and not a predictor of the future!

Mommy, spell word Scissors!  I did, and he wrote it!

1 comment:

Mairead Elizabeth Hickok said...

I seriously can't get over his writing skills- amazing!