Saturday, August 11, 2012

2 and 3 Months

Having a newborn around makes it a little challenging to keep up with the blog, so I missed out on updating when Maeve was two months.  So here are both her two and three month photos.  She's still a diva, but she's starting to smile and coo more, which delights her brother.  "She's smiling because she loves me!", he'll say.  She's also growing like a weed, and has moved into her 3-6 month clothes already.  She still loves to eat, still won't take a pacifier, and loves to be held.  A LOT.  She goes to daycare for the first time in just two short weeks.  Mommy is having a tough time with that, since the past 3 months have gone by in a flash.  I know she'll do well, but I still want to have more time with her.  She's still so little!

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