Saturday, August 11, 2012

Wells 2012

Every year about this time, the Bouvier's make their annual trek to Wells Beach, Maine, for a (very large) family vacation.  This year it seemed like a larger crew than ever, which makes it all that more special.  Tracy, Ben, and Maddie came up this year, just weeks after Chris was deployed for training, leaving for Afghanistan while we were in Maine.  It was great to spend some time with the kids and Tracy since we don't get to see them very often!

This was Miss Maeve's first trip to Maine, so we weren't quite sure how she'd like it.  I was hoping she'd be like all the other babies at the beach and nap, but she was having no part of that!  Miss nosy sat on Grampy's lap and people watched.  All. Day. Long.  There were a few times where she napped, but for the most part, she watched everything and everyone around her.  She just took it all in.  I'm sure spending the bulk of her time under a shaded umbrella on Grampy's lap didn't hurt, either!  She seemed calm and peaceful, probably her way of telling us to get a beach house! So, if anyone has any cash they'd like to contribute toward that cause, we'd put it to good use!

When we first arrived, Connor was ecstatic to be at Grammy and Grampy's beach house.  In fact, I think he thought the entire vacation was going to be spent AT the house.  So when we woke up the next morning and started getting ready for the beach, he declared that he wasn't going to the beach and that he was staying at Grammy and Grampy's beach house.  Fast forward to an hour later when he was jumping the waves with Daddy and digging holes with his cousins, so I think he had a great time!

We didn't do our usual sight-seeing tours this year.  By the time we got off the beach, showered, and made dinner, it was bedtime for the littles.  Seeing how this is around our 30th year of going, we're pretty familiar with everything around, so we were fine with not going anywhere.

One of the few times Maeve slept!

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