Friday, November 1, 2013

New York City

This past Spring, it was decided that Connor needed bone grafting surgery to correct his very large soft spot. After scheduling, re-scheduling, and re-re-scheduling, we finalized a surgery date of August 6th.  Joey decided that before the surgery, he wanted to do something extra-special with Connor, so he planned a trip to New York City for the middle of July.  He invited his sister and Paige along, and that's when the magic happened.  Heather managed to get a stretch limo for the ride to AND from New York, got a sweet hotel room in Times Square, and scored tickets to see Spider-Man on Broadway.  Joey had the idea to see Spider-Man, and Heather got them all tickets.  Needless to say, Connor was extremely excited!  

Mommy stayed home with Maeve because a spunky 14-month-old in New York City is just asking for trouble.  Daddy was very good about sending pictures along, though.  They visited the M&M store, where they purchased the largest bag of M&Ms ever, and even posed with Spidey before the big show.   To this day, Connor is STILL talking about New York and how much he wants to go back (and it's November). He absolutely loved this trip, and it was a very special weekend between father and son.  I'm sure there will be another trip in the future, but I'm pretty sure the limo was a one-time thing.  We don't want the kid to get spoiled or anything!

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